SEPTEMBER 26, 2021

NEW RE-ENTRY PROCEDURE TO BROOKLYN COLLEGE SEPT 27 — MUST READ: https://mailchi.mp/brooklyn.cuny.edu/reentry-sept24-1197125?e=feedf780a0

APSA VIRTUAL GRADUATE SCHOOL INFORMATION FAIR, OCTOBER 2 — “Saturday, October 2, 9:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.. This year’s virtual Graduate School Information Fair will connect prospective Ph.D students with recruiting political science departments. There is no cost but advance registration is required: https://apsa.wufoo.com/forms/k1tqj0411yeyg4w/ Please contact us with any questions: diversityprograms@apsanet.org

VACCINATION MANDATE — ALL STUDENTS! — DEADLINE SEPT 27 — The CUNY Chancellor has announced that, starting October 7, all students must be vaccinated to enter campus. Other than for emergency services, he explains, “all students taking remote-only classes who wish to visit a campus at any point this fall for any reason must be fully vaccinated and have their vaccination documents approved in CUNYfirst-unless they have been granted a religious exception or a medical exemption.” The deadline for students taking in-person or hybrid classes to upload proof of vaccination in CUNYfirst is September 27. https://mailchi.mp/brooklyn.cuny.edu/president-returntocampus-sept-7?e=feedf780a0

INTERNSHIP STIPENDS FOR SPRING 2022, DEADLINE OCTOBER 31 — Plan to participate in a spring 2022 career-related experience (internship, off-campus research, volunteer work, student teaching, etc.)? But it is unpaid and you NEED the money? You don’t need the internship placement in order to apply. Just apply for the stipend and use your award if you find an internship you really want (and it is unpaid). DEADLINE: OCTOBER 31. http://info.brooklyn.cuny.edu/confluence/display/career/Internship+Stipend+Awards+Fact+Sheet

ARE YOU A GRADUATE STUDENT? IN NEED OF FUNDING? — The Tow International Research Stipend provides some funding for graduate students. See

QUOTE OF THE WEEK — “We want to see a world where black lives matter in order for us to get to a world where all of our humanity is respected.” — Alicia Garza

POLITICAL SCIENCE CLUB — Julia Leedy is the new student organizer. With you, we can bring back our Political Science Club! Join in and email Julia at bcpolisciclub@gmail.com.

JOB/INTERNSHIP FAIR OCTOBER 1st /10am-3pm https://tinyurl.com/MCCVirtualServices
October will continue with resume/interview prep workshops. November will be Career Exploration month to help you get closer to picking a career that is a fit by hearing from 5 to 6 alumni who are in the field to help you learn about various careers. Technology & Math, Nov 2nd 12:00 to 2:00pm / Law, Government, Non-Profit, Nov 4th 12:00 to 2:00pm / Business Management, Finance, Accounting, Nov 9th 12:00 to 2:00pm / Education, Children Studies, Nov 11th 4:00 to 6:00pm (date to be confirmed) / Health, Medical, Sciences, Psychology, Nov 16th, 12:00 to 2:00pm /Marketing, Communications, Media & Arts, Nov 18th 12:00 to 2:00pm.”

PRE-LAW ALERT! INTERESTED IN LAW SCHOOL? SCHOLARSHIPS? — “At the Magner Career Center, Pam Brown-Laurenceau, Assistant Director and liaison to the school of humanities and social sciences, works closely with students interested in pre-law careers by providing guidance and hosting events to help students prepare for a career in law. In addition to these resources, through the Stanley Geen Memorial Fund there is funding to support students to participate in pre law internships and LSAT prep. The fund offers internship stipend awards of $3000 and LSAT prep reimbursement awards — up to $1000, as well. For more information about pre-law go to http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/web/academics/special-programs/prelaw.php

NEED DEBT RELIEF ON TUITION & FEES? — The CUNY Comeback Program is a new program to help at least 50,000 students overcome debts from tuition and fees you may have accumulated during the pandemic. By providing up to $125 million in debt relief to at least 50,000 students who need it most, you will be able to move forward with your education at CUNY and your career. See https://www1.cuny.edu/mu/forum/2021/07/28/governor-cuomo-announces-sweeping-125-million-debt-relief-program-for-at-least-50000-students/

NEED CHILDCARE? — The BC childcare program is enrolling children for the fall semester to support you as a student-parent, regardless of whether you are opting for in-person, hybrid, or online classes. You can apply to enroll your child at this link: http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/web/academics/schools/education/partnerships/ecc/application-form.php?utm_source=Brooklyn+College+Campaigns&utm_campaign=4e0551b672-president-reaffirmation-CUNY-misconductpolic_COPY_&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_2b28c7022b-4e0551b672-267722365

PETRIE STUDENT EMERGENCY GRANT — Are you facing an unexpected financial emergency? Are you experiencing food insecurity? Depending on the nature of your emergency, you may qualify for a Petrie Student Emergency Grant. See https://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/web/about/administration/studentaffairs/grant.php You can also schedule an appointment to speak to a staff member using the Student Affairs Help Tool (SAHT) under e-services in BCWebcentral.

LEARNING CENTER: OPEN! — Writing assistance & academic support for courses across the curriculum. For details, instructions, and an updated schedule, visit http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/web/academics/centers/learning.php
Questions? Feel free to contact Rich Vento, Director of the Learning Center: RVento@brooklyn.cuny.edu

STUDENT CLUBS: LOOKING TO JOIN? — The community of student organizations at Brooklyn College offers you opportunities to gain personal development skills, leadership development, and tools necessary for academic success to reach the goal of graduation. See https://cunybrooklyn.campuslabs.com/engage/

PLANNING YOUR MAJOR? NEED GUIDANCE ON POLITICAL SCIENCE COURSES? — See online course planner: http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/web/academics/schools/socialsciences/departments/polisci/advising.php

CITIZENSHIP NOW! — See https://www1.cuny.edu/sites/citizenship-now/ “We offer free, high quality, and confidential immigration law services to help you and your family on your path to U.S. citizenship. Our attorneys are paralegals will assess your eligibility for legal benefits and help you apply if you qualify.”

BLACK, RACE AND ETHNIC STUDIES INITIATIVE (BRESI) — “The Mellon Foundation has given The City University of New York an historic gift of $10 million to drive change across 25 campuses and develop and expand a range of initiatives, including efforts to advance social and racial justice. One of these important efforts is the $3 million Black, Race and Ethnic Studies Initiative (BRESI), https://www.cuny.edu/academics/current-initiatives/bresi/
which will reimagine and further develop University programs in that discipline, CUNY-wide.
In March 2021, the Office of the Chancellor convened and charged a planning commission of internal and external experts to assess current program offerings and recommend innovations that build on them. This planning commission is almost entirely comprised of CUNY faculty, students and outside advisors who were nominated by the CUNY community following a set of town halls in September 2020.
Next month, the BRESI planning commission will formally make recommendations to my office as to how the Mellon Grant funds can best be leveraged to expand ethnic studies at CUNY. In an effort to include the CUNY community in this final phase of the planning commission’s work, the commission will hold a series of three town halls throughout the month of September.
The BRESI town halls will feature updates from each of the commission’s subcommittees and will include an extended presentation on the findings of one of those committees. The main goal of these town halls is to solicit feedback and questions from the CUNY community. To that end, the town halls will feature a live Q&A, during which you will be invited to ask any questions or provide suggestions and ideas regarding the initiative. Your feedback will help inform the commission as they prepare their final recommendations.
I hope you will consider joining at least one of these important town halls. The dates and meeting links for them are as follows. RSVP is not required for these events.
September 29, 4:00–5:30 p.m. (extended presentation from Institutional Context subcommittee): cuny.zoom.us/j/82407056573
If you would like to submit a question about this exciting opportunity or share your ideas about BRESI in advance of these town halls, please email BRESI@cuny.edu.

POLITICAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT — Call us at 718–951–5306
Immanuel Ness, Chair: iness@brooklyn.cuny.edu
Ken Estey, Deputy Undergraduate Chair: kestey@brooklyn.cuny.edu
Kosal Path, Deputy Graduate Chair: kosalpath@brooklyn.cuny.edu
Barbara Haugstatter, Administrative Specialist: barbarah@brooklyn.cuny.edu
Luke Messina, College Assistant: luke.messina@brooklyn.cuny.edu

DEPARTMENT INSTAGRAM & TWITTER — We have both! See https://www.instagram.com/bcpolisci/ or
https://twitter.com/bcpolisci If you need assistance, contact Luke Messina, College Assistant — luke.messina@brooklyn.cuny.edu

LinkedIn GROUP FOR POLITICAL SCIENCE BROOKLYN COLLEGE STUDENT JOB SEEKERS — https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8619517/
The Political Science Department is facilitating a LinkedIn group with alumni and faculty to help us all extend our networks and to provide leads on jobs. Please check it out and request to join the group.


POSTED SEPTEMBER 19 — IMMEDIATE HIRE, NEED STAFF NOW! -”I’m a program manager here at Elevation Health, and we have partnered with 20+ charter schools in Brooklyn to provide routine Covid testing for their students and faculty throughout this academic year. We are looking for several Brooklyn College students (undergraduate and graduate) who would be interested in helping at these testing events, which take place on Thursday and Friday mornings in schools throughout Brooklyn. Responsibilities include organizing testing supplies, collecting consent forms, and checking patients in for their tests. No clinical experience is required, and students in all degree programs and departments at Brooklyn College are welcome to apply for the role. Your students will be working alongside our nursing and medical staff at each testing event. This is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking for their first exposure to clinical field work, and for those with an interest in public and population health. The rate of pay is $18/hour. APPLY: If you’re interested in participating, email me directly at charles@elevationhealthgroup.com and include your resume. Charles Howell / Elevation Health / 12 West 21st Street / New York, NY 10010 / (917) 414–8936

POSTED SEPTEMBER 19 — PEACE ISLANDS INSTITUTE — Peace Islands Institute New York (PIINY) offers new online and remote internship opportunities for undergraduates, graduate students, and recent graduates.
1) Program Internships: The responsibility of the Program Intern will be centered around programs and projects including the organization of speaker series, conferences, seminars & panels, private round tables, community engagements, social justice programs, community service days and other projects as they develop Duties and tasks: The Program Intern will be assigned to; Reach out to government, opinion-makers, academics, clergy and other community civic leaders / Maintaining contacts database / Editing speeches and interviews, preparing news updates for the website working with the webmaster / Social media content management / Ability to prepare press releases and connect with media is preferred
2) Research Internships — The Research Intern will assist with the preparation of publications in peace, community cohesion, multiculturalism, pluralism, social justice, and interfaith issues. Duties and tasks: The Research Intern will be assigned to; Write, revise, and edit reports, blog posts, opinions, social media content, etc. / Assist in preparing and editing updates for the website / Follow, attend and report on related events New York / Ability to prepare press releases and connect with media and other sectors is preferred
3)Marketing & Development Internships — We are looking for individuals who would like to gain experience in fundraising for non-profits. The Marketing & Development Intern plays an important role by providing administrative support to the organization and participates in fundraising activities including grant writing, database management, donor relations, direct mail appeals, and special events. Duties and tasks: The Marketing & Development Intern will be assigned to; Conduct research on potential donors, strategic partners, markets, and industries. / Maintain donor files and other development materials / Draft correspondence, reports, proposals, and donor appeals / Assist the staff in planning donor events and other activities / Use social media for marketing and communications purposes / Ability to prepare press releases and connect with media and other sectors is preferred. How to Apply: Please fill out the form at this link:. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3FXwLw_Eogzxii617u-Ax8kx5HKfru5SwN7IaXc3K1f1DKA/viewform All internships are unpaid. Dates and hours are flexible and negotiable. Positions on offer are 2–5 days a week. All current internships positions will be off-site and remote. Meeting with staff or partners will be conducted via zoom. A laptop and telephone is necessary for all internships. Internships are available in the spring, summer, fall or winter. f you have any questions, please email all inquiries to info@peaceislandsny.org

POSTED SEPTEMBER 5 — JEWISH LEARNING FELLOWSHIP — Hi, I’m Danielle Kogan, a BC alum (Class of ’20) and currently working at Tanger Hillel & Brooklyn College. I’m reaching out to let you know of an incredible PAID opportunity that might be of interest to you. It’s called the Jewish Learning Fellowship (JLF) an 8-week cohort learning experience where you meet weekly for 1 hour, virtually, to learn and build community, to enrich your Brooklyn College experience as you navigate school during these trying times. Upon completion of the fellowship, you are gifted a generous stipend. Here is the link to apply: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeMot_syY4QEAwiRTA5GDS_ETZILOAftLwl3BPbatTN6qBv2A/viewform

POSTED SEPTEMBER 5 — WALL STREET JOURNAL INTERNSHIPS, SPRING 2022 DEADLINE OCTOBER 15 — Wall Street Journal Internships: offer internships in reporting, graphics, data reporting, podcasts, video, social media, audience engagement and product design. Past reporting interns have worked in the U.S. and Europe covering beats across markets, finance, business, economics, careers, sports, education, real estate, health, entertainment, technology, politics and national news. Application links for the spring and summer 2022 internships in the U.S. can be found at https://wsj.jobs/ The deadline for the spring internship is Oct. 15 and the deadline for the summer internship is Nov. 1. Applications for Europe summer reporting internships will open on Nov. 1 and close by Jan. 3. Visit https://medium.com/wsj-internships to learn more about the program see — https://medium.com/wsj-internships/faqs-on-applying-for-wsj-internships-4af1727fd3f0

POSTED SEPTEMBER 5 — Received from a BC alum: McGee Media is hiring Fall interns for its long-running, talent-driven series Finding Your Roots with Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (PBS). The ideal candidate will have an interest in and a basic understanding of the US and World history, as well as solid research and fact checking skills. *** Job description available upon request from Ken Estey: kestey@brooklyn.cuny.edu

POSTED SEPTEMBER 5 — The Brooklyn College Foundation is hiring student callers for its annual fall phonathon — 10/09 to 11/11. Be an ambassador for the college and help the foundation raise annual support from our generous alumni. If you are interested please apply immediately. We are running the program remotely, to make this possible callers will need to have access to the following to participate: A laptop or desktop computer with the capabilities to download and install ConnectWise and Mobile Connect / Mobile Connect is a dialing application which allows you to place calls from WBT’s software / ConnectWise needs to be enabled prior to each work shift to aid with management oversight / A headset with microphone capability / Access to a private, password-protected internet connection for the entire duration of calling / The calling software is web based and use of public internet is not permitted. / Access to a quiet, private area during calling to eliminate background noise and other disturbances / Prior to each shift and at other designated times, callers will attend a group Zoom meeting / Unfortunately, at this time we don’t have the capabilities to loan the equipment needed, but we will work on that for future semesters. / To Apply: www.phonathon.com / Entry Code: BKC21F / $15 per hour
Program Runs: 10/09 to 11/11 / Training: Saturday, 10/09 Time TBD / Calling Shifts: Monday to Thursday 5:45 to 9:00 / Saturdays 11:00 to 2:00 and 2:30 to 5:30 / Sundays 1:30 to 4:30 and 6:00 to 9:00 / Questions: Interview@wilson-bennett.com

POSTED SEPTEMBER 5 — MET COUNCIL — HR Department at Met Council is looking for an intern for the Fall semester. The position is in-person, preferably twice a week 9–5 or 9–5:30, starting on October 1. Yuliya Szczepanski | Director of Recruitment and Onboarding, Human Resources / Met Council 77 Water Street, 26th Floor, New York, NY 10005 c: 917–733–1637 | yszczepanski@metcouncil.org *** Job description available upon request from Ken Estey: kestey@brooklyn.cuny.edu

POSTED SEPTEMBER 5 — Julie Menin is a three-time City Commissioner running as a Democrat for New York City Council in District 5 (Upper East Side, East Harlem, Midtown East, Roosevelt Island). Julie resoundingly won the June Democratic Primary and is now facing a Republican opponent in the November general election. Julie most recently served as the Census Director and previously served as the Commissioner of the Department of Consumer Affairs and the Commissioner of the Office of Media and Entertainment. We are looking for self-starting, dynamic, and politically engaged interns who want to assist with our general election campaign and bring an experienced leader like Julie onto the New York City Council. Time Requirements -Internship lasts through Election Day -Weekly meetings on Mondays to go over projects and strategic planning -Approximately 6–8 hours of work weekly Functions -Attending 3 weekly phonebank sessions that are 2 hours each -Assisting with writing a weekly newsletter for the campaign -Assisting with planning and posting on various social media platforms controlled by the campaign including the creation of graphics -Compiling opposition research, power mapping and collecting pertinent information that when disseminated will be useful to the campaign -Planning and executing events, both volunteer and fundraising, that are attended by the candidate and serves to introduce her in-person to a wider audience. If interested email a resume and predicted availability to juliefornyc@gmail.com. If we feel it’s a fit we will reach out to schedule an interview

POSTED AUGUST 29- KINGS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY OFFICE — “My name is Drew K. Gabriel I serve as the Deputy Director of Intergovernmental affairs in the Kings County District Attorney Office. The Kings County District Attorney’s Office (KCDA) is one of the largest prosecutors’ offices in the country and is committed to developing and implementing innovative prosecutorial strategies that will fulfill our vision of keeping Brooklyn safe while at the same time ensuring fairness and justice for all. KCDA has an exciting opportunity to work as a Paralegal. In light of the sweeping discovery reforms in New York State, our Assistant District Attorneys need more support with preparing their criminal cases. All of our cases involve fairly voluminous discovery, such as police reports, body camera footage, 911 calls, forensic files, security surveillance videos and more. It is critical to our mission that our prosecutors obtain all the necessary discovery and securely share the required information with the defense. New hires will assist with these important duties, and in doing so, will gain exposure to virtually every aspect of a criminal case. It is our hope that recent graduates and upcoming graduates will want to take advantage of this opportunity. Applicants can apply online via the NYC Careers website: https://www1.nyc.gov/jobs/explore-careers.page by searching for jobs posted under “District Attorney — Brooklyn” or applicants can send their resume and cover letter to HR@brooklynda.org and indicate which paralegal position (Day Shift or Evening Shift) they’re applying to. Drew K. Gabriel / Deputy Director Intergovernmental Affairs / Kings County District Attorney’s Office / (O) 718.250.2985 | GABRIELD@BrooklynDA.org

POSTED AUGUST 15 — INTERN AT THE UNITED NATIONS: “The internship with the Human Security Unit, located in New York, is for a duration of three months. Depending on the needs of the unit and upon satisfactory performance of the intern, there is a possibility for extension for another three months. The total duration of the entire internship period is six months at maximum. For more information and case-studies on the Human Security Approach please consult: http://www.un.org/humansecurity/ See details of the post below. There is no cost to apply.” INTERN — PUBLIC INFORMATION, I (Temporary Job Opening) United Nations / NEW YORK / Apply for this job at: https://inspira.un.org/psc/UNCAREERS/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/UN_CUSTOMIZATIONS.UN_JOB_DETAIL.GBL?Page=UN_JOB_DETAIL&Action=A&SiteId=1&JobOpeningId=149573&PostingSeq=1

POSTED JULY 25 — “The College to Congress team would like to invite you to apply to our FIRST EVER Spring internship session, Spring 2002! Full-time, FULLY paid Congressional internships accompanied by in-depth professional development. APPLICANTS MUST: * Be a current junior or senior in college (at the time of applying) or be a recent graduate * Commit to living and working in Washington, DC from Wednesday, January 12 to Saturday, April 30, 2022 * Commit to training and participating in College to Congress Programming while interning in Congress full-time * Be a Pell Grant recipient, have DACA status, or receive financial aid as a student with disabilities. All members of our cohort must complete “Interning in Congress 101” coursework on College to Congress University (C2C-U), which can be found here: https://www.collegetocongress.org/c2c-u. This is a great FREE online program to help you create a Hill-ready resume, leverage your LinkedIn network, and more. Upon completion, all C2C-U alumni have access to our mentorship portal, job board, and LinkedIn group — all of which are designed to help you land a Congressional internship. If you haven’t completed C2C-U yet, don’t worry! The deadline for completion if you would like to be a part of our 2022 Spring Cohort is Friday, October 8th, 2021. We will be requiring proof of completion before offering acceptance, so get started today! After the completion of C2C-U, if accepted into the C2C program, you will be paired with a mentor to guide you through your time on the Hill. After pairing, you will need to apply to internships with the help of the C2C team. Once you are accepted, it will be time to head to D.C.! Please email kelly@collegetocongress.org if you have any questions regarding the application process. We appreciate your time and effort and look forward to seeing you in D.C.!”


FEDERAL AGENCY INTERNSHIPS — “We have wonderful news to share. There will be a record 955 virtual internships for U.S. citizen college students during the 2021–2022 school year! Our 50 participating federal agencies plan to work with nearly 3,000 interns. See https://meet.google.com/kno-rerw-ifv ) and everyone can watch on facebook.com/VSFSatState / We are creating a video for students who are unable to attend the info sessions. / We are posting about the info sessions on our social media channels. Please feel free to amplify. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @VSFSatState and LinkedIn: usdos-vsf

UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM — “We are pleased to share the following link to current job opportunities with the New York State Unified Court System: Careers-Statewide-Job Postings|NYCourts.gov The individual announcements contain details of the job assignment, required qualifications, and the filing deadline. Bookmark the Court System’s “Careers” page: Careers Home Page|NYCourts.gov to find updates on available jobs, as well as information on upcoming exams.”

